Submitted by Shawn Conn on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 20:08

After yet another long hiatus, almost of 2 years in the making, I've returned once to again to survey my domain that is, aka Who is the Man with the Name that Rhymes? I wish I could have said the hiatus was because of fantastic new adventures, but its been more like the opposite; boring soulcrushing days of seemingly non stop tumultous events that I try not to get too worked up about. The result is the author not even wanting to touch a computer, let alone think about updating a website. That recap has a little hyperbole in it, but somedays it feels that way.

When I'm not stressing about it, life is otherwise great. For sure there have been great adventures. It's just a sad fact that I have to deal with so much BS that it fills up too much of my life. I only wish I had more time in the day in which to do all the stuff I want to do. I guess it's just one of those thing I've got to take in stride. Being gone from the site for a couple of years, there have been many things I've been musing about over the past couple of years that I hope to cover. I'm not digging into much with this post, but there will be more to come. That much is certain to me. Keep on the lookout.
